June 1, 7PM at Grand County Public Library: A Reading and Conversation with Melissa L. Sevigny and her new book, BRAVE THE WILD RIVER

Back of Beyond will be on site selling books for this Event! Please come and join the conversation and get a signed copy!

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🌸 Staff pick of the week by Amber 🌸

Discovering the Inner Mother: 
A Guide to Healing the Mother Wound and Claiming Your Personal Power by Bethany Webster

This book took me for a loop when it first came out in 2021 and at the time I had no idea what a ‘Mother Wound’ was until I began reading the heart wrenching truths that Bethany Webster spoke of. Throughout the chapters she shares insight into her personal experiences of living with and carrying the deep seeded trauma of The Mother Wound and beautifully explains how to move towards a life of healing this wound through a therapeutic and compassionate language of empowerment and truth. Bethany’s solid focus on intergenerational trauma and how it’s passed down from Mothers to Daughters dramatically changed the lens in which I viewed my relationship with my mother. I recommend this book to anyone who may desire guidance on how to navigate life more authentically and empowering when working towards healing toxic relationships with people we love the most. 

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Find it here 👇
🌳 Staff review this week is brought to you by Collee🌳

Transport yourself to the balmy days of Summer with Liz Moore's new thriller, God Of The Woods! This nostalgic novel is set in the Adirondacks at a Summer camp in 1975. A 13 year old camper named Barbara has gone missing and through a series of flashbacks and multi-POV threads, a web is woven of all the events that have led up to this disappearance. Barbara is no ordinary camper. She's the daughter of the Van Laar family, who own the land the camp sits on, and exist in moneyed remove in their mansion on the grounds. Barbara is also no ordinary daughter. She was conceived to soothe the loss of her brother, Bear, who disappeared 14 years ago on the land and was never found. This story is told from many perspectives and timelines and for the most part, the female characters are fun to get to know. I found myself getting drawn into this tale pretty quickly. The pace is propulsive and the setting is richly evocative. If you're looking for a light read that hooks you from the start and goes in unexpected directions, this book is a refreshing respite from these chilly days of Winter. 

Find it here 👇

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